Rush Academy

We are a top-tier travel youth basketball program and we offer expert training for athletes of all ages in order to enhance their athletic abilities. Use of world leading equipment, specialized training sessions and innovated coaching techniques; we strive to make each individual reach their full potential.
For 6th grade boys
Coach Wendell Rush is a Air Force Veteran. Played for the United States Air Force team. Has 30 years of playing experience, and also 10 years of coaching. Wendell provides guidance to his athletes in order to excel on and off the court. He has also coached and trained both boys and girls from grades K-12. Coach Rush enjoys passing that passion of the game to the kids at all levels.
Jackie De Jesus is a Air Force Veteran. As director of Rush Academy Marketing and Development she is responsible for driving awareness, acquisition, and retention. Ensures high-quality services are delivered effectively, efficiently and consistently. Helps motivate team to work with genuine commitment and achieve the specific targets of Rush Academy.
Trainer Terrell Rush is a Navy veteran, certified as a personal trainer through NASM and also a former nationally qualified NPC competitor. Terrell has a background in a lot of different sports, but his sport of interest was wrestling which he did for 5 years. With his background of fitness, sports and nutrition he is goal driven to no
Trainer Terrell Rush is a Navy veteran, certified as a personal trainer through NASM and also a former nationally qualified NPC competitor. Terrell has a background in a lot of different sports, but his sport of interest was wrestling which he did for 5 years. With his background of fitness, sports and nutrition he is goal driven to not only improve self performance, but also educate in the process.
VertiMax training will take your jumping ability, offensive and defensive mobility to the highest levels! VertiMax is currently being used by the NFL, NBA, Division I colleges and hundreds of high schools across the country.
45 minutes
45 minutes each
Discounted rates for second child
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